CombiFuel Swiss AG is launching a joint project in the field of alternative powertrains with Galliker Transport AG.

Since Galliker Transport AG was founded in 1918 – over three generations now – the company has continued to grow and develop together with its employees. Over the past decades, the small «Haulage company» in Hofstatt has become an international logistics company with 21 branches in 5 countries. Despite the growth and the increasing internationality, they still hold on to important basic values to this day. Galliker is still 100 % family-owned, and has been since 1918. Financial independence allows Galliker to invest in the future of the company independently of quarterly targets. This long-term approach has paid off now. «They don‘t think in quarters but plan in generations». 3’050 employees, in 21 branches Europe-wide (5 countries) and a fleet of 115 delivery vans, 1’165 trucks and 1’181 trailers demonstrate this. The company has a healthy environmental awareness and as a responsible family business, they agree to act sustainably and treat the environment and nature with respect. They rely on energy-efficient infrastructures, alternative vehicle technologies and promote environmentally friendly transport and logistics concepts. With their Galliker Green Logistics, they pursue the goal of reducing harmful effects on the environment and the consumption of non-renewable resources. One of the goals is to achieve an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of at least 5 %. Accordingly, they are planning the further development of their vehicle fleet and their targeted use of alternative technologies…

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