In times of increasing environmental pollution, devastating natural disasters and rising global warming, politics, economy and research are desperately looking for solutions to improve the current situation.

CO2, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions attract equally attention of automotive manufacturers, politicians and consumers. Justifiably, because today about 25% of the exhaust emissions result from the transport of people and goods. Forecasts of the IPCC are even expecting that by 2050 such amounts will be doubled. The current discussions surrounding the diesel scandal and the lack of meaningful mobility alternatives show that urgent action is needed.

The solution: CombiFuel Swiss AG has developed a worldwide unique and patented retrofit system with the potential to permanently eliminate large parts of the emission problems. This will directly and completely reduce up to 95% of all emissions while saving up to 50% on fuel costs. Without any restrictions and differences to the original operation of the vehicle.

The clou: CombiFuel® is universally applicable. The plug-in solution can be applied to all types of combustion engines, i.e. in cars or commercial vehicles, on generators, work and construction machinery, up to buses, trucks and even ships. One system is used for all areas of application. The (r)evolution has begun.

CombiFuel® is designed for both new and used vehicles, is independent from existing brands and globally certified according to the latest standards.